Monday, January 6, 2014

The Stash

I've always loved paper. Even with nobody to write to on a frequent basis stationery has been a passion for as long as I can remember. Thank you cards were drilled in at an early age, and they were about all I wrote until 2 years ago aside from a rare Christmas or Valentines day card. Even though I make and sell stationery, I never kept it for myself. Once I started writing more frequently, I allowed myself to start building a stationery collection, picking up a set here and there when I found things that caught my fancy. First it was a box on a shelf, then half a shelf, then a full shelf, and then a few moving boxes as we got the house. For a few months it was all packed away while other projects took priority. Then piled on a spare shelf in my craft room. This past weekend my mom came to help me organize my craft room which included the stationery shelf. Amazingly, we completed this monumental task and I'm now so excited to go in there. Also, I'm not allowed to buy new cards for a while. :)


  1. OMG! That is so awesome!! It looks great. I should create a smaller version of that for myself.

  2. I'm impressed! Moms are the best :)
